Hyperdrives electric motors offer an industry leading ratio of cost to power- and torque-density.
Leveraging a unique cooling concept and winding design coupled with our deep process and material know-how, Hyperdrives reduces cost and saves resources for both OEMs and end consumers.
The power output of electric motors is thermally limited. State-of-the-art motors are cooled through their housing surface. Heat generated in the copper winding must pass through multiple material layers before it is dissipated. Excess volume and material is needed to manage heat and losses.
In short - the thermal limit determines size and weight, drives material cost and decreases efficiency.
Hyperdrives utilizes an advanced direct cooling system that extracts heat right at its very source - dissipating losses 10x more effectively. The cooling fluid flows through hollow conductor windings allowing 3x higher currents continuously. This enables Hyperdrives motors to be designed 2x as power dense.
The result are next level thermodynamic and electromagnetic efficiency, that lets us redefine the limits of volumetric and gravimetric continuous power and torque density.